Circles of Willow

gather connect honour glow


Circles of Willow Expands

Our Women’s circles continue. And we are excited to announce a new service Circles of Willow: Neurodiverse. All our services are holistic and responsive to the needs reflected by our community. Our point of difference is a sound understanding of neurodiversity and a willingness to grow into this ever expanding space. Currently we offer individual treatments, individual paediatric sessions, and a parent child physio group. Term 4 neurodiverse physiotherapy resumes for term 4 on 26/10- 14/12/2024 on Saturdays. Click on the link to find out more. Kindly share.

Neurodiverse physiotherapy group for families with ADHD and ASD children.

Term 4 features: Joy in Bloom

Join us for our final series of circles for the year: ‘Joy in Bloom.’

Term 4 hurtles us resistant or not towards the summer holidays. Some of us will celebrate Christmas and if not at the holidays. Our circles give women an opportunity to celebrate and elevate each other. Winter and its introspective energy has passed allowing us to awaken and bloom in accordance with the seasons. Connection, novelty and interaction with others boosts mental health. This series allows us to reflect on the value a celebration mindset adds to the everyday.

The time we give ourselves to gather in circle is a valuable aspect of self-care. In our overly busy world we rarely have time to really connect. Under the spell of global consciousness, many believe that social media is and effective form of connection. I ask: was it enough in lockdown? Or did the lack of human connection via physical proximity affect us? Term 4 will begin a couple of weeks late, as I am taking some time to offer myself some self-care. Travel offers me inspiration, space and time to fill up my creative battery allowing me to continue the creating circles.

The common humanity we find in circle helps us face of old societal beliefs to acknowledge our entirety. There is no denying that we are complex beings with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. What’s more we respond to our culture and are influenced daily by ever-changing societal values. Our increasing interaction with social media, can add confusion blurring our authentic expression of who we are. To remember our authentic selves needs an opportunity to explore.

Even when we find authenticity, it takes grit to live it. Most of us reinvent ourselves many times throughout our life cycle. I believe it is normal and also healthy to do so, to take advantage of change and flow smoothly into a new future requires time, clarity and support. Our circles offer all three. A small group of intergenerational women, we hold space for each other. The variety of life experiences allows us to help each other. New perspectives open up new lines of enquiry in the self.

Take a day to heal from the lies that you’ve told yourself and the ones that have been told to you. Maya Angelou

Our final four circles for term 4 begins 23/10- 11/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. We are located in Sunbury providing service for our local area and the Macedon Ranges offering a bespoke and unique experience. If you’d like to try give us a call. Kindly visit our FAQ page as it addresses many commonly held concerns.

To stay informed of ‘Circle of Willow’ happenings and for helpful hints follow us on Facebook

The Circle

Our circles are growing and I continue to be amazed by the process as it unfolds. People are coming home to themselves and are beginning to live their truth in a heart-centred way. One participant who had been ill missing two circles said: I really missed coming here. As we grow, our connection to our internal resources strengthens. And we can be there for each other as the need arises. And it does. Life is life.

Are you still unsure about circle participation? My daughter and son in law helped produce a video that gives you a peek into the circle process. Thank you. I also thank the women in circle the day of the filming for their generosity. They allowed us to film them to allow you to give you an idea of what we offer at Circles of Willow. Our What’s New page will keep you up to date with our latest happenings.

Sneak Peek into Circle

Circle participation calls us to remember our uniqueness. In the safety of the circle we can speak, be listened to, and show up as we are that day without judgement. At ‘Circles of Willow’, we gather, connect, honour, and glow. We hold space, that is we are there for each other. Life is busy and uncertain, but circle space welcomes. It supports us through the power of authentic connection which is vital for our wellbeing.

In our Celebrate Winter self-care afternoon, we dropped into our heart-space and wrote a sentence that encompassed our hope for the future from that perspective. We then shared the poem, each reading our own words within the circle. Our hearts rang out, received unconditionally by all the women who attended. The experience enriched us, reminding us of our purity, power and authenticity. I share our words below.

Hope for the Future: from my heart to yours

May I always be open to the love surrounding me

peace, acceptance and love

to find safety and sanctuary

live with authenticity, your true self

peace and love in my life

to love and forgive those who have hurt you

family gatherings filled with joy

I am strong and beautiful

I may go dark and twisted but I always come back to peace and love

It will be okay, love heals all

you are worthy and valuable

may you have the sweetness of joy

happiness and love 24/08/2022

Rebecca attended Saturday Morning Circles. Here are her words about the experience. Thank you Rebecca.

‘I have thoroughly enjoyed attending  'Circle' with Circles of Willow. Merima has created a beautiful safe space to come together and have some time out for ourselves.  It is an opportunity to go inward with a sense of curiosity  and explore what really matters to us as individuals and as a collective, to nourish our souls. An opportunity to honour our authentic selves !

Circle also provides a gentle introduction to tools such as meditation, breathing exercises, creative art , Mindfulness and other techniques that can be used in our daily lives. I leave Circle feeling supported, uplifted and with a smile on my face!’

We emerge but we emerge changed. Life has given us time to reflect and make choices. The future is at our feet, but do you feel a vague sense of unease? It’s different now. Has the way you interact with others changed? Humans need to interact with each other. In circle we connect. In circle we come together to heal.

The circle archetype is the foundation of our human community. It is the council that brings human beings into a respectful space for conversation and can be used for conflict resolution. Our forebears gathered around campfires to eat, worship, and share wisdom through stories. These often circular gatherings were a source of empowerment.


‘Circle space is very different than social space.’ Imogen Bailey


Circle communication also honours the non-verbal. It is real, equal, and respectful. Each person sitting in circle is seen as a valuable contributor to the experience. Together we create a metaphorical vessel. It accepts us as we come. And holds us without:

  • Judgement

  •   Minimisation

  • Comparison

  •   Competition or

  •   Manipulation of outcome

Support offered is from heart thinking, embracing each individual’s sovereignty. Advice is only offered if requested. Within this space we are free to glimpse our innate wisdom and reconnect to our intuition. Humility and kindness create a container where it is safe to be authentic, even to fall. Although Women’s Circles are more widely known, our circles are open to both men and women.

‘I do not offer therapy, I offer space.’

Our lives ebb and flow, awash with complex emotions. The Circle allows everyone to make their own discoveries and traverse the terrain of their lives in their unique way. Circles foster wholeness.

 let’s gather, let’s connect, let’s share, let’s glow

at ‘Circles of Willow’

When my father died, something crucial to my well-being slipped from my shoulders. Years later through my circle training, I could finally name it. My father held space for me. He simply sat beside me. He allowed me to discover who I was in this life. Sometimes, he redirected me, ‘I’m not so sure about that,’ he would say. He empowered me. I began to wonder if other people had experienced a similar void and took a chance. I began to learn about ‘The Circle.’

‘The beauty in my life comes from a blend of mystery and science. This alchemical process underlies all I am.’


Why the willow?

The old willow tree stands proud, rustling gently in the wind. Fronds sweep the ground. It is cool and safe beneath her arms. And the river flows by emotional life, fluid and free. Traditional meanings given to the willow include:

  •   Hope

  •   Inclusion

  •   Safety

  •   Stability and

  •   Healing

I think these align well with what I am offering.


‘There are many Women’s Circles, I offer ‘Come as you are in the moment circles.’


Circle Agreements

Each circle has its own agreements. These guide us and ensure that every person who wants to be heard has the opportunity. Agreements generally include four or five brief statements about:

  •   Presence

  •   Attention

  •   Intention and

  •   Confidentiality


‘We live increasingly independent lives. The price I find is a vague unease, a gentle reminder of our separateness.’

When we gather we shall determine our own circle agreements. In circle, each individual contribution is valued. We realise that the whole is composed of all the individual parts.


 Circles of Willow

Women’s Circles are rising in popularity, but I feel that the benefits of the circle apply to men equally. In circle, we come into a peaceful space and sit around a round cloth with a central focal point. Candles are often used. Through reflection, music, movement, silence, mediation, writing, poetry, and art we awaken to our innate beauty.

In circle we gather.

We often bring some friends along: anxiety, vulnerability, uncertainty… They too are welcome.

In circle we connect.

The opening creates a vessel where we hold space for each other. We are compassionate to others and learn to be compassionate to ourselves.

In circle we share.

Sharing is optional: it is fine to pass. We speak leanly to give everyone a chance to be heard.

In circle we glow.

We laugh, we empathise, we reflect. Circle of Willow is a place to celebrate and elevate.