Circles of Willow

gather connect honour glow

Circles of Willow: Neurodiverse

We have expanded our circles to embrace neurodiversity. Is your child clumsy? Do they complain of exclusion in school yard games? Are they active, very active? Spacy? We offer a parent child physio group for children with either a formal or suspected diagnosis of ADHD or ASD. Our small groups address movement, balance, coordination and proprioceptive issues. Inclusion of mindfulness had been scientifically proven to aid self-regulation. Connection and they ability to function well in a small group is a basic and highly transferrable life skill. Want to know more

Term 2 has been a period of growth. The children have undergone big changes. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach to complex medical problems is once again validated. Parents are able to see and encourage growth in participation, muscle strength and mindfulness adherence. Who would have thought that our children could lie still on the mat for 2:07 minutes? Yes there was the odd wriggle and they opened their eyes but they were calm! Not all children are initially suitable for group work. These children are seen individually for a time and then slowly introduced into the group with its increased array of stimuli and options.

Term 4 begins 26/10- 14/12/2024 at 10:30 a.m. Individual sessions are by appointment only. We have some flexibility during the week.

Term 4 features: Joy in Bloom

Join us for our final series of circles for the year: ‘Joy in Bloom.’

Term 4 hurtles us resistant or not towards the summer holidays. Some of us will celebrate Christmas and if not at the holidays. Our circles give women an opportunity to celebrate and elevate each other. Winter and its introspective energy has passed allowing us to awaken and bloom in accordance with the seasons. Connection, novelty and interaction with others boosts mental health. This series allows us to reflect on the value a celebration mindset adds to the everyday.

The time we give ourselves to gather in circle is a valuable aspect of self-care. In our overly busy world we rarely have time to really connect. Under the spell of global consciousness, many believe that social media is and effective form of connection. I ask: was it enough in lockdown? Or did the lack of human connection via physical proximity affect us? Term 4 will begin a couple of weeks late, as I am taking some time to offer myself some self-care. Travel offers me inspiration, space and time to fill up my creative battery allowing me to continue the creating circles.

My Circles of Willow experience brought me face to face with my vulnerability. Although I believed in the concepts underpinning the circle space, I had to push through walls of self -doubt to create Circles of Willow. Living authentically takes courage: face the fear and do it anyway! Our neurodiverse physiotherapy is a bold statement of my belief in the value of physiotherapy, mindfulness and connection. I am very grateful to all the people who have come to Circles of Willow. Thank You.

To stay informed of ‘Circle of Willow’ happenings and for helpful hints follow us on Facebook

Simple Practices

This section is as a result of an in-circle request. Our clients enjoy some of our simple centering practices and have requested that these be made available for home use. As a result of our circles based on the Polyvagal Theory (debunking the stress response in our bodies), I have recorded four audios with nice FNQ scenery:

Community Supporting Community

We value community and community connections. It is what makes Sunbury a safe and comfortable place to live. Here are some local businesses that provide excellent service and operate with heart.

Wellbeing Martial Arts

Sunbury Book Shop

Embrace holistic physio yoga

Irelands Florist

Meditation Matters

the willow, circles of willow inspiration
full moon meditations in Sunbury

Our Words

In circle we honour our words and those of the other participants. We often get together on a project pooling our collective energy. On 31/01/2024 we tuned into soulfulness and playfully tried to make a crossword!

Soulfulness word list

Sharing, caring, charitable, love, eternal, strong, safe, empathy, compassion, considerate, resolute, resourceful, happiness, yesterday, dreams, help, giving, nurturing, instinct, stomp, no, youth, you, smile, hope, faith, bond.just tune into the list and see which are important to you. have you ever wondered why?

Christmas Blessings

To celebrate our last circle on 06/12/2023, we wrote a blessing to be shared.

May we come together in respect and understandin,

In a safe space and begin again

Creating new life

Moving forward in peace, joy, and love

May the entire earth have lasting spiritual peace.

Short poem: Open by Merima Jackson

Open : I said

but my heart said


I have your back: I said

and my heart softened just a little

Hope for the Future: from my heart to yours

May I always be open to the love surrounding me

peace, acceptance and love

to find safety and sanctuary

live with authenticity, your true self

peace and love in my life

to love and forgive those who have hurt you

family gatherings filled with joy

I am strong and beautiful

I may go dark and twisted but I always come back to peace and love

It will be okay, love heals all

you are worthy and valuable

may you have the sweetness of joy

happiness and love 24/08/2022